The Role of UCSB
Social Work Services

Social Work Services

A variety of factors, including medical, academic, financial, emotional, family and social issues, can affect a student's performance and adjustment at UCSB. The social worker's role is to help students identify those factors that are obstacles to their success. Together the social worker and student develop a plan to access resources needed to overcome these obstacles. The ultimate goal is for students to maximize their college experience while at UCSB. This is accomplished through the development of a plan with clearly defined goals that address the student's needs.

The Social Worker Can Provide
the Following Services


  • A psychosocial assessment — meeting with the student and consultation with other involved people (with the student's permission); identification of the student's obstacles, needs, strengths, and goals to develop a plan
  • Linking the student with appropriate UCSB and community resources and services
  • Provision of ongoing support and advocacy
  • Monitoring the student's progress towards achieving identified goals
  • Assistance for students who are leaving UCSB in locating and obtaining continued services





UCSB students are eligible for services at no cost.



With few exceptions, such as in cases of imminent suicide, homicide, suspected child or senior abuse, the law and professional ethics require the protection of all communication between UCSB's social worker and clients. Consequently, the social worker cannot discuss with others the details of a student's situation or even indicate whether the student is receiving services. In order for information about a student to be released, written permission must first be obtained from the student.

Appointments and Consultations

Social Work Services is located at Student Health. For further assistance or to schedule an appointment, call (805) 893-3088. Or, if you prefer, you may call the Appointment Desk at (805) 893-3371 to schedule an appointment. If you have a concern that needs immediate attention, you may call Student Health at (805) 893-3088, Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. In the event of an emergency, call 911. Faculty, staff, or students who are concerned about a student or desire consultation or assistance in making a referral are encouraged to contact a UCSB social worker at (805) 893-3088.

If you feel unsafe and/or a situation requires immediate attention, call Campus Police (911 or 805-893-3446). The campus police force provides UCSB with 24-hour emergency response services for medical, psychiatric, and safety concerns.