The Role of Student
Mental Health Coordination Services

Student Health Service Building
(805) 893-3030
911 (or 805-893-3446) in an Emergency

Student Mental Health Coordination Services (SMHCS)

Student Mental Health Coordination Services is a readily accessible single point of contact for individuals concerned about a student in distress. The coordinators will consult about a student, provide referrals to campus departments, develop action plans, and follow up with students, staff, and faculty, as appropriate. SMHCS can provide a coordinated university response to a student in distress.

When to Contact the Coordinators

It is appropriate to contact Student Mental Health Coordination Services if you are working with a distressed student and you:

  • Do not know where to refer him/her
  • Would like to consult about possible responses to a student’s behavior
  • Notice a student’s behavior is making others feel uncomfortable
  • Believe there may be safety concerns in the future
  • Have called 911 because of a safety concern
  • Would like future follow up to know if the student is connected to appropriate support services

The Coordinators Will:

  • As needed, mobilize the Student Behavioral Intervention Team and/or the Students of Concern Team (may include Counseling & Psychological Services, Student Health Services, Office of Student Conduct, Residential & Community Living, Disabled Students Program, UC Police Department, and others)


Student Mental Health Coordination Services shares information about student behavior on a need-to-know basis.

Appointments and Consultations

UCSB students, faculty, staff, and others are encouraged to refer distressed students who may be exhibiting worrisome or concerning behavior. Referrals to SMHCS can be submitted 24/7 using their Gaucho Support & Outreach Referral Form at SMHCS reviews referrals during normal business hours and a coordinator will then contact you to determine an action plan to address the concerns. Coordinators are also available at (805) 893-3030 for consultation and appointments during business hours, Monday through Friday.

Social Work Services (805) 893-3088 and/or Counseling & Psychological Services (805) 893-4411 are also available for consultation. For immediate consultation during non-business hours, call (805) 893-4411.

If you feel unsafe and/or a situation requires immediate attention, call Campus Police (911 or 805-893-3446). The campus police force provides UCSB with 24-hour emergency response services for medical, psychiatric, and safety concerns.